The Maui Peer Support Group gathered for a special holiday luncheon at The Leis Family Class Act Restaurant on the campus of the University of Hawaii, Maui College. It was an amazing experience for the group and the food was absolutely delicious. Culinary students presented a 4-course menu … [Read more...]
Maui Group Learns about Fall Prevention

The Vision Impairment and Blindness Education and Peer Support Group of Maui met on November 29th in Kahului. We had a captive audience for a presentation on Fall Prevention. Judy Guajardo from Na Hoaloha shared practical advice on how to prevent falls in the home. Everyone learned from the … [Read more...]
Home Sweet Home

Living amidst a dangerous housing situation, Rene was in need of a safe place to live. Oahu IL Specialist, Thomas Lum, assisted Rene in searching for a safe accessible home. After many months, Rene finally moved into Hale Kuha`o in Waipahu, which also happens to be where AILH's Oahu … [Read more...]
Stuffed Animal Drive Yields Hundreds for Hilo Police Department

Our AILH Hilo office recently held a "Teddy Bear" Drive to collect stuffed animals for the Hilo Police Department. These stuffed animals are kept on hand in every police officer's car to be given out whenever they encounter an incident where a child is involved. Police officers have … [Read more...]
The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation Shares the Joys of the Holidays

AILH has been blessed to be selected as a recipient of The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation's annual "Sharing the Joys of the Holidays" project. Executive Director, Roxanne Bolden, and Oahu IL Specialist, Thomas Lum, were joined by consumer, Valerie Yamada, … [Read more...]
Hilo Mixed Adult Support Group Gathers for Fabulous Luncheon
AILH's Mixed Adult Support Group voted unanimously to enjoy a luncheon together at the Imiloa Sky Restaurant in Hilo. Group participants delighted in an all-you-can-eat buffet, with a huge salad bar, a great variety of main entrees, and onolicious desserts. At the end of a wonderful time together, … [Read more...]
3rd Annual Staff Development Day

AILH staff from Oahu, Molokai, Kauai, and the Big Island, gathered with our host Maui team for our 3rd Annual Staff Development Day. It was a beautiful day on The Valley Isle as 100% of our staff was present for a time of team building activities, sharing a bountiful lunch, and touring … [Read more...]
6th Annual Molokai Disability Fair

The Molokai community gathered once again for the 6th Annual Molokai Disability Fair on September 21st at the Mitchell Pauole Center. AILH co-sponsored the fair along with the Molokai Occupational Center and the ADRC Hawaii. It was a wonderful example of the community coming together and joining … [Read more...]
Large Turn Out for Big Island Food Baskets

Big Island IL Specialist, Karin Riedel, shared about AILH programs and services at two Food Basket events yesterday. In the morning, 266 people attended the event in Hilo and the Pahoa event in the afternoon, drew 150 people. Karin was able to pass out brochures and visit with community members. … [Read more...]
Paving the Way to Simplicity

After Missy's knee surgery and subsequent physical therapy, she was having difficulty getting from her car to her house. AILH assisted her with contacting several contractors to assess the area and obtain price estimates to pave the driveway. Those quotes were proposed to her Landlord who … [Read more...]