Hui Malama Po’o began as a peer support group for adults with TBI (traumatic brain injury) and with the help and support from AILH, we have survivors who have overcome a variety of challenges and injuries. Although the group has not been able to meet at our local Rehab center, members are kept in touch by phone. For more information, please contact Valerie at ph: 808-358-5462.
Since May was Stroke Awareness Month we would like to share a few facts that have helped during this time.
1. Try to keep a daily routine, but be mindful of your body’s limits
2. Set a new goal or do new activities; completing your goal may be slow and hard, but it will be worth the effort
3. Compliment yourself on things you have accomplished (great job, I did it)
4. Stay safe, stay calm, and remember tomorrow is a new day ?