If you or someone you know is an individual with a disability and in need of assistance, please have them contact our office.
Molokai Contact Information
P.O. Box 2061
Kaunakakai, HI 96748
Phone: 808-866-3792
Molokai Hours of Operation
Molokai Support Group
‘Ike Loa Peer Support Group
‘Ike Loa is a peer support group for individuals with various disabilities. This group meets every 3rd Thursday of each month from 1-3 pm. Place held: Home Pumehana; 290 Kolapa Place, Kaunakakai, HI 96748.
This support group is for consumers of Aloha Independent Living Hawaii, if you would like to become a consumer and receive services, please call 808-339-7297 or for questions regarding group please call Tina He-Lindsey at 808-866-3792
Molokai Staff