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Disability and Communication Access Board to issue new Disability Paid Parking Exemption Permit







June 21, 2021                                                                                                 21-093


Disability and Communication Access Board to issue 

new Disability Paid Parking Exemption Permit 


HONOLULU – The Disability and Communication Access Board (DCAB) has released an application form with an instruction sheet for the new Disability Paid Parking Exemption Permit (DPPEP). 


Pursuant to changes to Hawai‘i Revised Statutes in 2019, starting July 1, 2021, temporary (red) placards, long-term (blue) placards, and special license plates no longer allow a permittee to park in a metered parking space without payment of the parking meter fee. Those disability parking permits will still allow a permittee to park in reserved accessible parking spaces. 


Permittees who have a valid driver’s license and a physical disability that prevents them from reaching or operating a parking meter or unattended pay station are now eligible to apply for a DPPEP. The DPPEP allows the permittee to park in a space where payment is made via (1) a parking meter without payment of the fee for the first 2.5 hours or the maximum time the meter allows, whichever is longer; or (2) an unattended pay station for 2.5 hours. The DPPEP may also be used to park in a reserved accessible parking space. 


A physician or Advanced Practice Registered Nurse must complete and sign page 2 of the application form, certifying that the applicant qualifies for the DPPEP. 


The form is available at Satellite City Halls in the City and County of Honolulu, DMVL offices in the Counties of Maui and Kaua‘i, and at the Office of Aging in the County of Hawai‘i. It is also available for download from the DCAB website. 


The form should also be used to apply for a first time or a renewal of a temporary placard, long-term placard, or special license plates. Older versions of the application form are still accepted at this time. 


For more information, call DCAB at (808) 586-8121 or visit


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