Where does the time go? As we look towards the final two months of the year, we cannot help but feel a great deal of gratitude for all the people that we have been privileged to serve and for the many experiences we have shared with our island communities. The staff at AILH would like to take this … [Read more...]
AILH On the Move: Fall 2018 Newsletter
45th Annual Maui Senior Fair

Maui Economic Opportunity (MEO) held their 45th annual Maui County "Engage at Every Age" Senior Fair on Saturday, October 27. Approximately 500 attendees shared a busy morning of information sharing and gathering. With the election coming up soon, many candidates for Maui County and State Office … [Read more...]
White Cane Safety Day Celebrated on Maui

On Monday, October 15th, Aloha Independent Living Hawaii along with Lions Clubs of Maui and Project Vision, celebrated White Cane Safety Day outside of the State Office Building on High Street in Wailuku. The white (or red and white) cane is a symbol of independence and blindness. The … [Read more...]
Waikiki Community Center Hosts Senior Wellness Faire

The Waikiki Community Center hosted over 20 organizations and scores of Seniors and family members at their Senior Wellness Faire last night. Seniors were encouraged to Refresh, Rejuvenate, and Reset. Our AILH Oahu team, along with agencies from across the island were on … [Read more...]
APRIL Conference Inspires

This year's APRIL (Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living) Conference just wrapped up in Denver, Colorado and our AILH representatives are headed home with an abundance of information and a rejuvenated passion to serve our consumers. This year's theme was "Roots of Change … [Read more...]
LDAH Conference Travels to Molokai

Children, parents, and service providers gathered for the 11th Annual LDAH Traveling Conference on Molokai last month. IL Specialist, Julie Agliam was on hand to share about AILH programs and services as well as partake in the informative presentations and activities. Julie offered an interactive … [Read more...]
Molokai Youth Support Groups Engage in Healthy Living

Our Molokai youth support groups have been learning about fun and practical ways to engage in healthy living. One such activity was swimming! The youth group held two pool days which included water exercises to help stimulate a full-body muscle workout. The youth also played water games and simply … [Read more...]
Maui Traveling Mini Conference

Our Maui Team represented AILH at this year's LDAH Traveling Mini-Conference held at the University of Hawaii, Maui College, Lei's Class Act Restaurant on September 26th. Parents, professionals and community members gathered for great presentations, childcare by Kidzone, and ono food. It was a … [Read more...]
Delivery Day for Maui Teddy Bear Drive

Our Maui staff was thrilled to deliver 28 boxes filled with 967 stuffed animals to the Lahaina Police Department on Friday, September 21. Officer, Ryan Saribay was on hand to gratefully receive these special cuddly creatures to share with the keiki of Maui. The purpose of this outreach is to provide … [Read more...]
Assistive Technology Training Shares Power of Independence

Four of our IL Specialists were enlightened at a valuable workshop yesterday and were presented with an exciting variety of assistive technology (AT) devices and services. Presenters discussed and demonstrated AT tools and strategies for the workplace, academic environment, and home. Participants … [Read more...]