All too often, we are caught up with the hustle and bustle of the day, that we don't stop and think about what we are doing. I have made a conscious decision to do the things in my life that have meaning and purpose. Life is too short and very precious to me to walk around aimlessly. My work and … [Read more...]
It takes a village to raise our children.
This phrase rings true even more so today during these tough economic times. As a young girl, I remember how I would be mindful of my behavior because somewhere either Aunty or Uncle or Cousin would see me and if I was not behaving appropriately, I would be scolded by them and then get more from … [Read more...]
What to Look Forward To…
PARENT INFORMATIONAL MEETING: AILH will be hosting a Parent Informational Meeting on the North Shore for families with children who have disabilities. More information to follow with details. AILH COMING TO THE BIG ISLAND: AILH will be hiring two IL Specialist for the … [Read more...]
Board Members Update
Welcome to new board member, Tammy Shiroma. We look forward to your many talents and experiences in helping AILH to grow. Special Thank you and Farewell to Dara Fukuhara and Marie Wachsmuth. Marie and her family relocated to California and Dara has taken on new ventures. … [Read more...]
Partnering Agencies
Mahalo to Hooikaika for our collaborative efforts which resulted in the bus adverstisements and assistance to distribute each other’s organizational flyers at community events. Mahalo to Hawaii FiDO for our collaborative efforts in helping to provide much needed services to Hawaii’s wounded … [Read more...]
Bowling at Pali Lanes
For the year end excursion, the group decided on December 17, 2010, to engage in a friendly competition of bowling. IL Youth Group Volunteer, Andra, was a former bowler. She was excited to have the opportunity to participate in an activity she most especially enjoyed. For most, this was … [Read more...]
Wet N’ Wild
The group's first excursion was to Wet N Wild in Kapolei on November 5,2010. This was the first time going to Wet N Wild for some of the members like Erik, who especially enjoyed the Raging River attraction. They were all excited to see and experience the various types of water rides and … [Read more...]
IL Recreational Support Group
As a part of our IL Services, AILH has developed a recreational support group. The purpose of the group is to provide an outlet and recreational activity for young adults. The group meets on Tuesday at our Kahuku office located at the Life Skills Center. … [Read more...]
Foster Family Annual Christmas Event
AILH was asked to re-host our “Coloring and Stamping Booth” for this year’s Foster Family Annual Christmas Party. IL Specialists Royce and Thomas, along with family volunteers Lisa and Karen, attended the event held on December 4, 2010. … [Read more...]
HPGS Conference
IL Specialists Royce and Thomas hosted AILH's exhibit table in this years 16th Biennial Conference for Aging held at the Hilton Hawaiian Village on October 19, 2010. … [Read more...]