The Importance of Enforceable Policies

AILH does systems change advocacy for our disability community throughout the State of Hawaii. Systems change advocacy is defined as outreach and educational activities designed to raise awareness of both needs and capabilities of persons with disabilities. You may have seen some of our efforts … [Read more...]


Due to severe weather conditions, our Hilo office location will be closed today.  We will monitor the situation to determine if we will resume normal business hours tomorrow. … [Read more...]

TeleConnect’s 2nd Big Island Trip

During the recent trip to the Big Island, the TeleConnect team was able to serve a consumer who is a Chuukese immigrant; English is his second language. To best serve this consumer AILH secured a Chuukese interpreter to translate during his in-person device training. The consumer adapted and … [Read more...]

Preparing for Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-402, 106th Congress) defines a developmental disability as    a severe, chronic disability of an individual that-  (i) is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination of mental and … [Read more...]

Consumer Visit

AILH high school volunteer, RayGil, assists our consumer with creating a zoom account so he can participate in our monthly island-wide peer support group. During this time of COVID, AILH has created monthly island-wide peer support groups using zoom to help our consumers who feel isolated and … [Read more...]

Advocacy for Disability Rights

The 25th Anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was celebrated on July 26, 2015. From the mid to late 1960s to the present day, organizations throughout the country have fought for equal rights for all people with disabilities, and the fight continues to this day. … [Read more...]

New TeleConnect Consumer

The AILH TeleConnect Team welcomes Betsy our new consumer for our TeleConnect program.  She is so thankful to be a recipient of a new Apple iPad.   … [Read more...]

Thank You Gift

Thank you to Executive Director Roxanne for sharing some color and fun into our lives. The AILH ohana received a highlighter bundle with "thanks for all you do" as the message. What a colorful and useful gift! … [Read more...]

Black Disability History

Bradley Lomax. Johnnie Lacy. Harriet Tubman. What do these people have in common? They are Black and disabled, yet history tried to hide their disabilities. For this year’s Black History Month, we want to share information about being Black and having a disability, and share some of these hidden … [Read more...]

Lions Club Lunch

The Kahului Lions Club reached out to our Maui IL Specialists to see if they would like to collaborate on a service project. With so many COVID restrictions and so much time being spent at home, they thought that our consumers might enjoy the delivery of a special lunch. The Lions purchased bentos … [Read more...]

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800-385-2454 (AILH)
P.O. Box 283 | Pearl City, Hawaii 96782

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