AILH Oahu Office visits Lanakila Pacific for a tour of their programs and services. In turn, AILH Executive Director gives a brief presentation to their staff about AILH services. … [Read more...]
TBI Workshop
Maui IL Staff Lani Cabanilla attended a workshop last Friday, 2/7 on TBI, hosted by Christel Magallanes, Dept. of Health, Neurotrauma Support. It was a workshop on creating a mask to express the feelings of one who experience TBI. … [Read more...]
Offices Closed in Observance of Presidents Day
In observance of Presidents Day, AILH offices will be closed today, February 17th. We will be open for normal business hours on Tuesday, February 18th. … [Read more...]
Limited English Proficiency Presentation
AP Bamrungruan, Executive Director of the Office of Language Access from Department of Health presented about services for individuals with LEP (Limited English Proficiency) to our Maui County Staff . We were able to role play a call for an interpreter for a consumer whose first language is Thai. We … [Read more...]
Hilo Staff Has Domestic Violence Training
The Hilo Staff received training on Domestic Violence and Traumatic Brain Injury from Violet Horvath Ph.D. Director of the Pacific Disabilities Center. The training was very informative and gave the staff a better understanding of the various causes of TBI. … [Read more...]
Learning How to Sew
Liv Zen group member, Crissy Gines learns how to sew using the sewing machine. Volunteer instructor, Iris Kaneshiro teaches Crissy how to measure the material before she begins cutting and sewing. … [Read more...]
What Causes Brain Injury
Violet E. Horvath, Ph.D., Director, Pacific Disabilities Center (PDC), from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, John A Burns School of Medicine presented to our group this Saturday about the many causes of Traumatic Brain Injury. The presentation was very informative and the group learned many … [Read more...]
HART Train Community Day at Hālaulani
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) held a tour for select people and groups, including the disability community, from 9:00 am – 10:00 am on Saturday, February 8. These groups were able to have access to this tour prior to the general public.. Oahu IL Specialist Thomas Lum and his … [Read more...]
First Molokai Keiki Support Group Meeting of 2020
Molokai Keiki support group members enjoyed making peer connections through different table/floor play centers and got active on the playground learning the game of kickball. We also celebrated a fellow peer's birthday and each child was able to decorate their cupcake with the toppings of their … [Read more...]
Hui to the Movies!
A few of our members from our Hui Malama Support Group met up this afternoon to enjoy watching a movie on Mahalo Tuesday. Members had a great day of fellowship and laughter. … [Read more...]